Pellevè® is the first radio frequency facial treatment that does not require any anesthesia. “It’s become known as the Wrinkle Wand,” says Dr. Joel Erickson. Radiofrequency is a form of electromagnetic energy that is used in many areas of medicine.
Pellevè® radiofrequency skin treatment offers fast-acting results,” says Dr. Erickson, Medical Director of Laser Light Treatment Center. “I like that you can show the patient an immediate improvement in wrinkles right after the procedure, as well as long-term skin tightening benefits. Pellevè is suitable for patients with mild to moderate wrinkles who are seeking a comfortable, virtually pain-free treatment. This allows us to treat fine lines close to the eyes and lips, common problem areas for patients that are very sensitive and traditionally difficult to treat,” says Dr. Erickson.
No special preparation or medication is required before Pellevè® Skin Tightening procedure at Laser Light Treatment Center. It will feel a bit like a warm facial massage as the Pellevè® wand glides over the skin of the face and neck in a 20 to 30 minute treatment session. This heating stimulates growth of collagen within the skin, reversing laxity and resulting in a more youthful appearance. A series of five treatment sessions, spaced four weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results. A mild and extremely briefredness may occur at each session. There is no downtime.