Rather than destroying or removing defective veins, it is possible to repair them by using a sheath. They are thus saved for later use as a bypass.
In cases of severe varicose vein disease, dilated veins are usually removed or destroyed. However, when patients later need a bypass due to circulatory problems, the large blood vessels are then not available as a substitute. In a multicentre study led by Dr. Dominic Mühlberger from the Vascular Surgery Department at Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s St. Josef Hospital, researchers tested a vascular preservation therapy developed in-house: applying a thin sheath around the defective vein eliminated the varicose vein problem in over 95 per cent of cases. The research team published their findings in the “Journal of International Medical Research” on 6 April 2021.
When the blood pools in the leg
Varicose veins are more than just a cosmetic problem: the unsightly bulges might result in serious health problems such as leg ulcers, thromboses or even pulmonary embolisms. The cause of varicose vein disease is usually a weakness in the connective tissue, which causes the vein wall to give way and thus the vein diameter to grow. This process is accelerated by pregnancy or frequent standing and sitting.
The increase in vein diameter impairs the function of the vein valves. The valve leaflets are pulled apart and a leak develops, which is called valve insufficiency. The blood pools in the leg where it leads to an increase in venous blood pressure. This valve insufficiency most often affects the truncal vein, also called the great saphenous vein or great rose vein, which opens in the groin.
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